We’ve compiled the links below to help answer common questions about your pets. Please contact our office if you need additional information on any of these topics. Click on the heading below to be taken directly to the appropriate website.

Health Certificate Information

Health certificates are required whenever an animal crosses state lines. To determine the documentation that is needed for your pets or livestock, use the requirements of your END destination.

Oregon Brand Inspector

Direct all questions regarding brand inspections to the Oregon Brand Inspector.

Equine Vaccines

Our doctors follow the AAEP guidelines for Equine Vaccines. Use this link to learn about Core Vaccines and Risk-Based Vaccines and other vaccine information.

Pet Poison Control

Information on toxic substances and when to call your veterinarian. If in doubt, please contact your veterinarian immediately!

Royal Canin

Hills Prescription Diet

Flea and Tick Information

In Douglas County, fleas and ticks can be a year round problem. There are many different products available to pet owners, some over the counter and some are prescription only. Finding the right flea and tick product can feel like an overwhelming decision. Let our staff help you make your decision based on the lifestyle of your pet. Below are links to information on the products that we carry at CVC.




